Political Information
Legal Basis of Creation:
Date of Ratification / Plebiscite:
No. of Registered Voters: 528
No. of Precincts:
Physical Information
Land Area (in heactares) 481.139 sq.m.
Barangay Category Urban
Land Classification Upland, Lowland
Major Economic Agricultural, Industrial
Fiscal Information
A. External Sources
Internal Revenue Allotment  Php 1,321,619.00
B. Local Sources
RPT Share Php 12,000.00
Fees & Charges Php 5,500.00
Others Php 2,000.00
Total Income Php 1,341,119.00
Demographic Information
Total Population 1,003
No. of Female 474
No. of Male 529
No. of Families 238
No. of Households 204
No. of Labor Force
No. of Unemployed
Source RBI
Year captured
Basic Utilities / Services
Largest Power Supply Distributor Electric Cooperative
Major Water Supply Level of Households Water supplied by wells/spring in the brgy., Water supplied through water faucets in individual households
No. of Households with access to potable water supply
Existing Means of Transportation Jeep, Private Vehicle, Tricycle, Motorcycle
Existing Means of Communication  Mobile phone
Awards / Recognition received by the barangay or barangay officials
National Level
Regional Level
Local Level  BCPC, Good Governance



Originally, the place was popularly called as ‘Manla”– one of the species of the carp family fish abundant in the place. These are small but delicious kind of fishes that lived in a brackish water which abound the place. Almost every household served Manla Fishes during their meals. They even sell it to other communities or to their neighboring barangays, hence, the place was called “Taminla”– referred to the kind of livelihood of the local people and also to the place where “Manla” fishermen lived.